Wyndall began as a design study, but it quickly turned into a real project because of my love for great quality tea. As someone who's always been passionate about discovering new and unique teas, I saw an opportunity to curate my own selection of exceptional teas and offer them to others.

The project presented a personal challenge because I had never worked with tea importers, packaging manufacturers from China, and the legal setups required to sell and insure a tea business in Germany. However, I was determined to learn and navigate these challenges.

To begin, I tasted around 180 different teas from various importers to find the perfect selection of eight unique and exciting teas from around the world. This process took time, but it was worth it because I wanted to ensure that the teas I offered were of the highest quality.

Aside from product creation, I also took all the pictures myself and designed the webshop, as well as print products. These materials were used to sell the tea at my local food specialty store, which is conveniently located in the same building I live in.

Overall, Wyndall has been a fulfilling personal project that has allowed me to combine my passions for design and tea. It has challenged me to learn new skills, navigate unfamiliar territories, and bring something unique and exceptional to the market.


